The Growing Importance of Hearing Care in Public Health

Savannah Healthcare Consulting offers accessible and comprehensive consulting services on healthcare, clinical and hospital-related matters. From improving quality to increasing profitability and efficiency, SHC Consulting uses evidence-based practices from research and industry to provide strategies on topics impactful to leadership development, operations management, physician relations, human resource development, workforce planning, recruitment, health insurance administration and […]

Hearing Care Coaching and Mentoring

SHC Consulting offers personalized career coaching services to individuals looking to enter the hearing care profession as a Hearing Instrument Specialist, Audiologist or ENT physician. These three career tracks are the most common pathways into hearing health and require a strategic career plan to become licensed to perform in these roles in your state. Group […]

Healthcare Career Coaching and Mentoring

Savannah Healthcare Consulting offers tailored training and career coaching services to individuals and groups. For individuals looking to start a new healthcare career or improve their performance in their current healthcare role- SHC Consulting offers a comprehensive list of personalized strategies designed to help you achieve your career goals in healthcare. For individuals dealing with […]

Hearing Care

SHC Consulting exists to provide access to industry-leading consultation to clients seeking guidance on starting a hearing care practice or building relationships with referring physicians. We also work with payers, insurance companies and EAP providers to guide offering hearing care. Currently, barriers to hearing health are being addressed by policymakers, insurance companies, big box stores […]

Dementia Practice

Rapidly changing demographics due to population aging have been attributed to an increase in dementia and related cognitive disorders across rural and urban geographic areas. SHC Consulting specializes in providing clients with expert consultation on best practices in dementia and geriatric care. Our firm is confident in its ability to improve health outcomes and quality […]

Healthcare Contracting and Government Services

SHC Consulting offers expert consulting through contracting services for government departments, agencies and programs.  Whether it’s for the federal, state or local government services, our team has extensive experience working at high-levels managing government programs, projects and departments in addition to researching, drafting, awarding, implementing, closing and evaluating federal contracts and procurements.   If your […]

Healthcare Management and Policy

Savannah Healthcare Consulting offers accessible and comprehensive consulting services on healthcare, clinical and hospital-related matters. From improving quality to increasing profitability and efficiency, SHC Consulting uses evidence-based practices from research and industry to provide strategies on topics impactful to leadership development, operations management, physician relations, human resource development, workforce planning, recruitment, health insurance administration and […]